Virus and Malware Removal

Virus and Malware Removal

Are you experiencing constant pop-ups or weird messages on your computer? Is it running really slow compared to how it used to? Your computer may be infected with viruses or malware. Compworth can scan your computer with our special utilities and figure out exactly what is on your computer.

We Help You Prevent Another Infection

Most places will just remove your virus and send you on your way, not really changing anything that resulted in you getting the virus in the first place. They hope that you will keep coming back to them with another virus on the machine. At Compworth we take the time to educate our clients and we also set your computer up to be much more secure than it originally was. When you pick-up your computer we will give you a brief lesson on how to prevent future infections.

A Track Record of Success

We've been at this location for over a year and since starting we have only had one person bring their computer back re-infected, and the first thing out of his mouth was, "I didn't listen to the advice you gave me". You can trust that your computer and your habits will be more secure after your visit to Compworth.

Click here to setup an appointment today!


Computer Services

Compworth provides a wide range of computer services for individuals. We also sell new and used computers.
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Web Development

We create responsive websites that are mobile friendly and change to fit the device they're viewed on.
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I.T. Support for Businesses

We provide many different services for business and organizations in the Southern Wisconsin area.
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360° Business Solutions

Let Compworth be your entire I.T. staff. From web design to network administration, we've got you covered.
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Who is Compworth?

Foundation of Compworth

Compworth Computers was founded in 2012 in the City of Delavan Wisconsin. Their goal is to provide top-notch I.T. service for the Walworth County Area.

Hire Us, We're Really Good

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