Social Media Management

We Manage Facebook, Twitter, and More!

Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, oh my! Have no fear, we are experienced in utilizing social media outlets to not only drive traffic to sites but to increase customer satisfaction. Interacting with your customers through Facebook allows you to reach them through an outlet that they use almost every day. In addition, when a customer "likes" one of your posts or statuses it will be put into their stream for many other people to see. Using Facebook and other social outlets to create new customers is in its infancy and is just beginning to take shape. Let us create a social media management plan that will work for you and your organization.

We will analyze all aspects of your current social media presence and determine what the best move for your organization is. We will then monitor your social media outlets for customer questions, bad comments, and other important variables. A profane comment or complaint sitting out there for all of your customers to see can be detrimental to your company's image, trust us to monitor your wall or feed and weed out anything you do not want.

We can also setup the social media outlets for your company and then hand you the keys if you'd like to manage your presence for yourself.

Contact us today for a free consultation!


Computer Services

Compworth provides a wide range of computer services for individuals. We also sell new and used computers.
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Web Development

We create responsive websites that are mobile friendly and change to fit the device they're viewed on.
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I.T. Support for Businesses

We provide many different services for business and organizations in the Southern Wisconsin area.
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360° Business Solutions

Let Compworth be your entire I.T. staff. From web design to network administration, we've got you covered.
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Who is Compworth?

Foundation of Compworth

Compworth Computers was founded in 2012 in the City of Delavan Wisconsin. Their goal is to provide top-notch I.T. service for the Walworth County Area.

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